
rewriting the page, the comic to be more readable on phones and computer's. comic

9/8/2024| I have found that there are some unsupported charcters in Indie Flower and Pixelify Sans. such as … This is probably just a charcter error and only seems to happen when I type "" or ... . Im jsut going to fix it by making those characters the defaul font.

8:13:45 pm, 9/8/2024| I fixed the bug. It was caused by directly copying the text from google docs. I have no idea why it showed those characters. Indie Flower shows those characters, they are supported.

9/9/2024| The corrupted characters were from me copying from google docs. You will no lomger see them.

9/9/2024\2| weird margin stuff, trying to fix. dont look at site on mobile.